2024-2025 Kindergarten Registration Information
Note: New legislation was approved changing the age at which children are eligible to begin Kindergarten. The legislation requires all students entering Kindergarten be five years of age on or before September 1st. It also includes a provision allowing parents to submit written request for early enrollment if students do not meet the new requirement (provided that the child will turn five by December 31). The window to submit such a request ended on March 1, 2024.
Branford Public Schools offers a full day Kindergarten experience at all three elementary schools for eligible 5 & 6 year-olds.
Registration opens Monday, February 5th, 2024 and is ongoing.
Kindergarten Age Requirements:
If your child is currently enrolled in a Branford Public Schools Pre-K program and is eligible to enroll in Kindergarten, you DO NOT NEED to re-register your child. They are automatically rolled up to their next grade level.
If you have questions regarding this process, please contact the BPS Registrar, Susan Wallace at: swallace@branfordschools.org or (203) 315-6723
If your child is currently enrolled in a Branford Public Schools PreK program and is NOT eligible to enroll in Kindergarten, you can request an additional year in Pre-K. To make this request, please contact the BPS Registrar, Susan Wallace at: swallace@branfordschools.org or (203) 315-6723.
Every eligible student registering for Kindergarten has a guaranteed space at the elementary school in your school district.
Kindergarten school hours follow elementary school hours: 8:55am to 3:25pm.
Kindergarten students take the bus with their fellow elementary school students.
The State of CT requires all students entering PreK and Kindergarten to have a completed and updated physical and immunization record within one year of the start of the first day of school. Please complete and submit pages 1, 2 & 4 of the Early Chidhood Health Assessment Form (CT School Age).
Once Kindergarten students are assigned to a classroom, principals and/or teachers will communicate with individual families about plans for orientation.
Specific questions regarding your child should be directed to the principal at your child’s elementary school.